Edit STRAKON Projects in Team Decentralised

STRAKON basically allows several employees to work on a project at the same time. STRAKON offers the possibility that several employees can work on a project at the same time thanks to the "project model technology". Every employee has the entire project in mind at all times, including the work performed by their colleagues.

The traditional norm is that all employees are in the office and the project is on the office server. Today, the world of work has changed dramatically and decentralized work from different locations is required. It is important to ensure that you are working on a project at the same time, no matter where the employee is.

There are several ways to decentralise work on a project with STRAKON:

Work in the Office or Home Office: Remote

In some offices, it is common for staff to work from home a few days a week. This is where you can "remote work" via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). This is always done on the computer in the company. There STRAKON is installed and the STRAKON dongle (RDP single dongle or network dongle) is attached.

The employee can now work normally in the office. On the home office days, the employee works from home via RDP on the office computer. The office computer can also be turned on from home via "Wake On Lan".

This method of operation is very high-performance and is used successfully by many customers.

Work in the Home Office via RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)


Work in the Office or Home Office: Synchronisations-Cloud

There are various possibilities of a "synchronisation cloud" such as SharePoint/OneDrive or Nextcloud etc. In this cloud variant, STRAKON is installed on the computer in front of which the user is sitting. The project to work on together is located in the "Synchronisation Cloud". The peculiarity here is that the project is located locally on the computer and in the background is constantly synchronised with the cloud and the other project participants.

With this method, the performance is very high, since practically all the work is done locally. Only the project will be updated automatically in the background for all project participants, so that everyone can always access the current project status. For STRAKON in this case, plan management should be excluded from synchronisation.
Project synchronisation could be stopped if a project participant's Internet connection is temporarily down. This could lead to inconsistencies in the project. If the number of users in a project increases, the synchronisation inconsistencies could also increase. Consequently, more attention is needed here. This method of operation is very high-performance and is used successfully by customers.

Working in the Synchronisation Cloud

Synchronisation Cloud

Work in the Office or Home Office: Full Cloud

For the "full cloud", STRAKON is installed in the cloud. This can be a dedicated cloud structure in-house, or professional cloud solutions such as Microsoft Azure, AWS, on-premises cloud providers, etc. are used. The STRAKON project is also hosted directly in the cloud. A network dongle (hard dongle/ soft dongle) is required for STRAKON. With this cloud method, users only need a simple input device to work with STRAKON from anywhere over the Internet in the cloud. Performance depends on the hardware and software architecture of the cloud. Various testing in the DICAD customer base has led to different results. It is therefore advisable to test before deciding on a "full cloud solution".

With "STRAKON 365", DICAD offers a very powerful cloud solution. STRAKON is already installed there and is automatically kept up to date. This cloud can be tested in advance.

Working in the Full/Remote Cloud

Full Cloud